Great Trail Aneto-Posets, a cardioprotected event
One more year, the Great Trangoworld Aneto-Posets Trail bets on cardioprotection and the fight against sudden death in the athlete thanks to the work and collaboration of the medical team of the test, the company Almas Industries B + SAFE y el Proyecto + Vida, the team ResetCardio Trangoworld and the Mountain Shelters of the Aragonese Mountaineering Federation.
The Cardioprotected Areas they are spaces that have at least one defibrillator, as well as properly trained people in order to ensure rapid action in case of sudden cardiac arrest (to get the heartbeat of the victim), until the arrival of emergency medical services.
Height cardioprotection is possible.
Thanks to the collaboration of Souls Industries B + SAFE, the Great Trail Aneto-Posets has automated external defibrillators (DEA) in the race and commitment to cardioprotection in isolated areas.
The medical device of the Great Trail Aneto-Posets is coordinated by doctors Manuel Avellanas and Miguel Zazo and has about 75 medical volunteers, nurses, nursing assistants and physiotherapists. Further, Aragon Ambulances, based on Avenida de los Tilos and in the sports hall of Benasque, performs medical assistance.

The team ResetCardio-Trangoworld participará como cada añoo en el Gran Trail Aneto-Posets. La asociación sin ánimo de lucro está formada por profesionales sanitarios amantes de las carreras de ultraresistencia que luchan contra la muerte súbita del deportista aumentando la seguridad en carrera. ResetCardio realiza uno de los recorridos del Gran Trail llevando material médico y un DEA en la mochila. También realizan charlas de formación y demostraciones de actuación ante un episodio de muerte súbita a los corredores. Trangoworld apuesta por la iniciativa de ResetCardio y colabora equipando por completo al equipo médico.

Cardioprotection in mountain shelters
The Aragonese Mountaineering Federation It manages 16 establishments between mountain shelters, lodges and mountain schools. There were already 10 shelters defibrillator (7 of them high), among which are Angel Orús, Estós, Renclusa and Cap de Llauset. In addition, it also has a DEA Viadós refuge.
Within the recent initiatives to support cardioprotection, and after the approval of the decree that regulates the use of DEA outside the health field, the Government of Aragon gave 6 new defibrillators a la FAM con la previsión de que vayan a 5 refugios. Entre ellos se encuentra nuestra base organizativa: la Escuela de Montaña de Benasque.

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