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Comunicado GTTAP junio 2021

Querida familia del Gran Trail Trangoworld Aneto Posets. Seguimos trabajando para sacar adelante la gran fiesta de las carreras por montaña en Benasque. Os hacemos llegar este comunicado para ampliar la información sobre el estado actual del evento y realizar aclaraciones sobre el programa, las inscripciones...

Comunicado GTTAP mayo 2021

Queridos amigos y amigas del Gran Trail Trangoworld Aneto Posets. En primer lugar, queremos agradecer la paciencia que habéis mostrado y todas las muestras de ánimo que hemos recibido desde la organización. La gran familia del GTTAP incluye organización, pero también voluntarios y corredores, y como...

GTTAP21, seguimos con todos vosotros

Estamos aquí, con todos vosotros. Continuamos planificando, preparándonos de cara a una vuelta a la normalidad, a la verdadera normalidad, la que permite disfrutar de familia, amigos y celebrar eventos como el Gran Trail Trangoworld Aneto-Posets. Deseamos con todas nuestras fuerzas que podáis volver a disfrutar...

The origins of the Great Trail Aneto-Posets

The Nike Aneto X-Treme Marathon, an epic race. It all started with the Nike Aneto X-Treme Marathon in the late 1990s. Three editions were held, from 1997 to 1999, and today the epic race is seen as a turning point in ...

The spirit of the GTTAP lives on.

Last weekend, between July 16 and 19, the Great Trail Trangoworld Aneto Posets 2020 would have been celebrated and the Avenida de los Tilos would have dressed up to host the great celebration of mountain races. Thousands...

Open Huesca The Magic of Running

The Gran Trail Transgoworld Aneto-Posets will be part of the Open Huesca La Magia del Running. It is an initiative that emerged to promote trail running in the province of Huesca after the Covid-19 pandemic, in which so many sports events have been affected ....


Official statement GTTAP 2020

Dear runners, sponsors, collaborators, volunteers and friends, in short, dear great family of the Great Trail Trangoworld Aneto-Posets: First of all, we want to thank you for your patience in our decision-making regarding the celebration of the test in the context of the crisis caused by Covid-19. He has...

GTTAP Covid-19 release

Dear friends of the Great Trail Trangoworld Aneto-Posets, This past Monday, March 30, a meeting was held between the entities promoting and organizing the event (Benasque Valley Business Tourism Association, PRAMES and the Peña Guara mountain club) to continue to value the ...

Extension of deadlines for documentation and returns.

From the organization of the Great Trail Trangoworld Aneto Posets we share the following changes in the delivery times of documentation and returns for cancellation of registrations due to the exceptional situation that affects us. We maintain the intention to organize the test and maintain the ...

Great Trail Trangoworld Aneto-Posets, statement COVID-19

Dear runners and runners and friends of the Great Trail Trangoworld Aneto-Posets, From the direction and organization of the test we want to communicate what is the situation regarding its celebration and what are our impressions of the Coronavirus COVID-19. We keep the dates and intent of ...