Great Trail Trangoworld Aneto-Posets, statement COVID-19
Dear runners and runners and friends of Great Trangoworld Aneto-Posets Trail,
From the direction and organization of the test we want to tell you what the situation is regarding its celebration and what our impressions are of the Coronavirus COVID-19. We keep the dates and the intention to move the event forward for now. There are exactly 4 months left for its celebration (July 16 to 19), so we hope that by then we will have overcome the situation thanks to everyone's effort.
However, we are aware of the rapid evolution of events and we will follow the measures that the situation requires at every moment throughout the weeks that follow. We encourage our community to follow without exception the safety instructions of the authorities and to continue joining efforts to win the battle against the Coronavirus by being responsible and in solidarity.
We want to join the thanks towards all the people who are fighting at the foot of the canyon to stop the pandemic. To health professionals, civil protection, state security forces and workers who assure us of the minimum services, and to those who are forced to close their businesses or cease their activities for the health of all. THANKS.
For the part that affects us, many spirits also to all sports testing organizations who are canceling and postponing their events. You all know the effort and enthusiasm that are deposited, for months, to carry out a competition: from the humblest organization, to those that move thousands of runners. I also encourage all athletes, both elite and amateurs, who are going to reorganize their season or give it up. All this obviously remains in the background to which all we consciously and gladly relegated ourselves to focus our efforts in the fight against COVID-19.
For our part, and if the situation is safe, we will do everything possible to carry out the Great Trail Trangoworld Aneto-Posets so that we can once again enjoy the mountains and share our passion in complete safety, at the great celebration of mountain races.
#queenteencasa #yoentrenoencasa #frenalacurva
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